げ • (ge) 下: bottom, low.
Hiragana – ひらがな
あ a | い i | お o |
か ka | き ki | こ ko |
が ga | ぎ gi | ご go |
さ sa | し shi | そ so |
ざ za | じ ji | ぞ zo |
Learn Japanese grammar: 気 【げ】(ge) / げに (ge ni) / げな (ge na). Meaning: looks like; seems like; appears to ~. This is used it to describe something or someone (not yourself) who looks~ / seems~ / appears to~.
エ The katakana syllable エ (e). Its equivalent in hiragana is え (e).
ゲ is katakana 'ge' Across all words in Japanese, ゲ is used 742 times, read 1 way. When you click a kanji's blue box in search results, the 'kanji quick view' shows the most useful word for each reading which is (1) also the most common variant of that word, and (2) one of the 10,000 most useful words in Japanese.
The katakana syllable ゲ (ge). Its equivalent in hiragana is げ (ge).